PORTICO Community Church

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Identify Potential Candidates 

Identify a few people who might be ideal candidates to SHARE with.

It’s important to list a few names for multiple reasons:

Often, the first name that comes to mind will not be the best person to have these conversations with. They might just be someone you know well.

The person you are considering having these conversations with might not have the time or capacity to invest as deeply as you need.

Please note: You may initially consider a pastor or church leader as the ideal person to walk with you on this journey, but the New Testament teaches us that anyone filled with the Holy Spirit can encourage, refine and support your spiritual growth. 

Some questions to consider when you are brainstorming names of people you could SHARE with: 

Who has some expertise in the areas you are concerned about? 

Is there anyone who already knows you and/or part of your story so they will understand your perspective on the situation? 

Who lives close by, so you can meet in person?   

Who has developed a Christian lifestyle that you respect? 

Who has enough time to invest in these conversations with me? 

Spend some time praying about a few names that come to mind and let the Holy Spirit lead you to an order that you will approach these conversations.