PORTICO Community Church

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Missing Pieces

Missing Pieces

By Amitabh Singh

The Bible contains 66 books:

  • 39 in the Old Testament

  • 27 in the New Testament.

The Bible was written in three languages. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. Small parts were written in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Koine (common and not classical) Greek.

The Bible was written by approximately 40 authors, over 15 centuries (1445 BC to 90 AD). The writers came from diverse backgrounds, lived in a variety of places, and represented different cultures. David was a king. Isaiah was a prophet. Matthew was a tax-collector. Paul was a tentmaker. Luke was a physician. Each author presents us with a different perspective. Yet the Bible does not contradict itself.

The Bible has countless references to people, places, and events. Both archaeology and secular historical records have repeatedly confirmed specific details referenced in the Bible.

What stands out as you read the Bible is it’s Christ-centeredness.

Isaiah 40:3 reads:

Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting,
“Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord!
Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!

Romans 5:14 connects Adam to Jesus:

Now Adam is a symbol, a representation of Christ, who was yet to come. 

You can read about the Passover Lamb in Exodus 12, John 1:29, and I Corinthians 5:7.

Similarly, you can read about the Messiah in the words of Isaiah in the Old Testament. He talks about Immanuel, born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), the Son, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), and the God who was to come (Isaiah 49:1-10).

As you begin to read the Bible, you will discover that  God has written history as one complete story. God recorded history in one book of many books. All scripture is inspired by God and God revealed His plan for us through His story.

As you begin to read the Bible, you will discover both history and His-story.

If you are looking for a daily devotional plan that will help you to take a deeper dive into the Scriptures, we encourage you to check our Daily Devotional Readings at:  PORTICO.cc/dailydevotional.