PORTICO Community Church

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The End of the World As We Know It

By Duane Henry

Among the many things that infatuate the human heart, speculation of the end of the species has been one of them.

There’s a myriad of books that have been written on this subject. As people consider what the end could be like, they also picture what life would be like before we get there.

Growing up as a youth in the 1980s, the biggest pervasive fear was that the world would end in a nuclear holocaust, uninhabitable to whomever or whatever was left behind. This may still be a fear some have today.

As well, in my lifetime there have been three distinct years where self styled prophets were calling the planet’s number. First it was in 1977, then it was in 1988, and finally in 2000.

We are all still here and it reminds me of something Jesus said:

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36).

Jesus is referring to His return, which most Christians would agree would be the End of the World as We Know It. We believe this is the point where human history as we have known it will conclude and the reign of Jesus with the New Heavens and the New Earth begins.

With that in mind, for those who trust Jesus, the End isn’t something to be feared.  There may be some turbulence getting there - that’s an understatement when we consider the prophecies of Daniel, among others - but Jesus also said “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13). There’s a promise of salvation if we hold fast to Jesus.

Humanity’s race from point A to B will come to a close one of these days. What we are able to control is how we will meet that final day when it comes. Everything else needs to be left to God - the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. As we allow Them to lead us day to day, we can rest in knowing that They will bring us to our final destination as day by day we give Them total control in our lives. Whether it’s the End of the World as a whole or just the end of our run in this world as our mortality fades, the Creator and Safe-keeper of our souls can be trusted to lead us. 

Fears of a dystopian future or spoiling the earth beyond repair can be assuaged by the promise of Christ’s Kingdom, established by God Himself, to be enjoyed by all those who love Him.