PORTICO Community Church

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What Good Can Come From Nazareth?

What Good Can Come From Nazareth?

By Amitabh Singh

Have you felt judged unworthy or unfit by your peers? Have people assumed you were incompetent, incapable, and inept due to the color of your skin, or your country of origin?

In Psalm 118:22, we read that “the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” In the New Testament portion of the Bible we read that Jesus was rejected outside of Nazareth. Even in Nazareth, the people rejected Jesus. He went to the synagogue for Sabbath and read from Isaiah about the Messiah. People probably thought he was crazy! Jesus seemed to be comparing himself to the Prophet Elijah. People became very angry.

Can any good come from…

This reminds me of Nathanael’s question in John 1:46, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

Nathanael lived 2,000 years ago, when his friend Philip claimed to have found the Messiah the Israelite prophets had written about. At the time, Jewish people lived under Roman rule. Nathanael had many reasons to be cynical. Jesus, the Messiah, coming from Nazareth was something to be mocked at.

Nazareth was an insignificant town, small, and far from any major cities. The city did not witness any exciting events, not did anyone famous come from it.

Having just become a follower of Jesus, Philip gushed about this man to Nathanael with all the excitement of a new recruit. He had met Jesus, and he knew something good came from a place where God is present.

Yes, good can come out of bad situations. As you begin to seek God for clarity about your purpose, you will begin to see the good that comes from your storms, trials, tribulations, sadness, and grief. God is capable of making sure you come out great.

Just don’t give up!