PORTICO Community Church

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Pastor Arnold’s Reflection on Leviticus 6-10

Leviticus 6-10 details God's instructions for offerings and the consecration of priests, emphasizing holiness, obedience, and the sacredness of worship. The offerings (burnt, grain, sin, and guilt) highlight the need for atonement and dedication to God.

Aaron and his sons' consecration as priests signifies the importance of being set apart for holy service. The appearance of God's glory during their first offerings shows His acceptance and presence.

However, the deaths of Nadab and Abihu for offering unauthorized fire underscore the importance of following God's commands precisely.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do the instructions for offerings reflect God's character?

  2. How can we ensure our worship is reverent and pure?

  3. Reflect on a powerful worship experience. What did it teach you about approaching God?

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