Want to know more about PORTICO?
Who we are.
We are One Church, with One Message, but Many Expressions.
Over 90 nations are represented at our campuses, located in Mississauga and Milton, in Ontario, Canada.
Through our core values of CONNECT, GROW, and SERVE, every program and ministry is focused on fulfilling our mission statement:
“Helping people find their way back to God.”
Our CORE Values:
CONNECT with Christ and His family
GROW together in Christ-likeness
SERVE Christ’s mission in the world
We are governed by a Board of Elders, and Rick Carrol is our Senior Pastor.
Our Elder Board
What we believe.
We are part of the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
We believe in the Trinity of God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, and that Salvation comes through repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We offer Communion once a month, in remembrance of the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Parents are encouraged to dedicate their children back to God, as a public declaration of their desire to raise their children according to biblical principles.
Church membership is not a requirement, but a way to become invested in the future of our church.
Believers of all ages are encouraged to get baptized in water by immersion when they are ready to make a public commitment of their faith in Jesus Christ
Our history.
Established in 1969, by Paul McInroy, and formerly known as the "Mississauga Gospel Temple”, the church was renamed to “PORTICO Community Church” after Doug Rhind became the Senior Pastor in 2001.
The word “portico” refers to a dwelling, or shelter, and we’ve tried to live up to the name by providing a safe, welcoming environment for people of all ages and backgrounds.