Join us in person or online on Sundays
Mississauga Services at 9:15 & 11:15 am (EST)
Milton Service at 10:30 am
What we’re learning this series…
Join us for the four-week Advent series as we learn about:
We encourage you to follow along with Bible Reading Plan, with Daily Devotionals that lead up to what we will be studying on Sunday.
If you’re new to PORTICO, we’d love to meet you!
After you attend the 9:15 am or 11:15 am service on Sunday at the Mississauga Campus, bring your family to The Lounge to find out more about PORTICO.
If you attend the 10:30 am service on Sunday at the Milton Campus, stop by the Info Counter and connect with us!
Are you in need of prayer?
During challenging times, our prayer team is happy to support you regarding a need that you may have in your life or an issue you are struggling with. Further support is available through pastoral care calls and home or hospital visitation.

Watch Past Messages
Catch up with our latest message online. Anywhere. Anytime.