Jesus demonstrates His compassion and inclusivity by healing a Gentile woman's daughter and feeding a large crowd with just a few loaves and fish, showing that His ministry extends beyond Israel to all people in need.
Jesus teaches that true defilement comes from the heart, not external rituals, emphasizing the importance of inner purity over outward tradition.
Jesus teaches about inner purity and the importance of true worship, heals many and feeds the multitude, predicts His death and resurrection, and is transfigured before His disciples, revealing His divine glory.
Jesus shows His authority over nature by walking on water and calming the storm, strengthening the disciples' faith in Him as the Son of God.
Jesus demonstrates His power and compassion by feeding a crowd of 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, while also facing opposition from Herod.
Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to priceless treasures and pearls, illustrating its immense value, while also facing rejection from those who knew Him.
Jesus uses parables, like the wheat and the weeds, to teach about the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing that judgment and separation will come at the end of the age.
Jesus uses the Parable of the Sower to illustrate how different responses to His message reflect the condition of people's hearts and their receptiveness to the Gospel.
Jesus teaches in parables about the kingdom of God, explaining its mysteries, while performing miracles, including feeding the 5,000 and walking on water, and facing the rejection of His hometown and the growing opposition from religious leaders.
Jesus confronts the Pharisees' accusations, warns against blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and teaches that true kinship with Him is based on doing the will of the Father.
Jesus teaches the true meaning of the Sabbath, emphasizing mercy over sacrifice and revealing Himself as the promised servant of God who brings justice to the nations.
Jesus reproaches unrepentant cities, invites the weary to find rest in Him, and offers His yoke as easy and His burden light for those who come to Him.
Jesus affirms His identity as the Messiah through His works, while rebuking those who reject Him, highlighting the differing responses to His message.
Jesus prepares His disciples for persecution, encouraging them to remain faithful, trust in God's protection, and prioritize loyalty to Him above all else.
Jesus warns His disciples about persecution, instructs them on their mission, and faces growing opposition from religious leaders, performing miracles and teaching about the kingdom of God, while addressing accusations and revealing the true nature of His family.
Jesus commissions His disciples to preach the gospel and heal the sick, instructing them to depend on God’s provision and proclaim peace to those who welcome them.
Jesus shows compassion by healing the sick, raising the dead, and calling believers to spread the Good News of His message, highlighting His authority and the need for more labourers in God's Kingdom.
Jesus calls sinners to repentance, heals both physically and spiritually, and teaches that His message brings a new way of life, not just a continuation of old traditions.
Jesus demonstrates His authority over nature, demons, and illness, showing that following Him requires faith and trust in His power to overcome all challenges.
Jesus demonstrates His authority and compassion by healing the sick, including a leper, a centurion’s servant, and Peter’s mother-in-law, fulfilling prophecy about the Messiah bearing our infirmities.
Jesus performs numerous healings and miracles, demonstrating His authority over illness, nature, and demons, while calling and sending out His disciples to preach, heal, and proclaim the coming of God's kingdom.
Jesus warns against false prophets, urging us to recognize them by their fruit. He also emphasizes the importance of hearing and obeying His words, like a wise builder who constructs on a solid foundation.
Jesus urges us not to judge others hypocritically. Instead, we are to treat others as they would want to be treated, and to choose the narrow path that leads to life.
Jesus encourages us to prioritize heavenly treasures and to trust God for provision, since worry and materialism distract us from seeking God's Kingdom.
Jesus emphasizes the importance of giving to the poor, praying, and fasting and that these should be done in secret to honour God rather than seeking public approval.
In the Gospel of Matthew we learn how Jesus came to teach us the values of the Kingdom of God.

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Jesus warns His disciples to avoid the false teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees and to focus on His true message.