Want to be part of a smaller community?
If you are a Growth Group Leader, or interested in leading a small group…
Join us on Saturday, April 5,
10 am - 12:30 pm
Food will be served from 10-10:45 am, so please register to let us know you’re coming!
Develop lifelong friendships and grow in your faith.
We believe that in order to grow in Christlikeness, it's important to live in community with other believers, who study the Word of God, share their experiences, and support each other in times of crisis.
At PORTICO we have 75 groups of men, women, young adults, and mixed adults, who meet at homes and online to study the Bible in more depth, and to share insights of this week's sermon.
Growth Group Guidelines
Learn how to develop a healthy Growth Group.
Great Small Group Leaders Empower Discussion
Learn how to facilitate a Growth Group at PORTICO.
Foster A Community That Is Authentic & Relational
Learn how to build a healthy community with your church family.
Create An Environment Where People Can Connect
Learn what it means to be a Growth Group leader at PORTICO.
Growth Group Testimonials
Hear how joining a Growth Group has impacted the lives of PORTICO families.