
Reflect on the weekly readings with the following questions:

  1. In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), Jesus describes different responses to God’s Word. Which type of soil best represents your heart right now, and what can you do to become more receptive to God’s Word?

  2. The parables of the treasure and pearl (Matthew 13:44-46) emphasize the immeasurable value of God’s Kingdom. What does it mean for you to prioritize God’s Kingdom above everything else in your life?

  3. When Peter walks on water toward Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33), his faith wavers, but Jesus rescues him. How can you trust Jesus more deeply when facing challenges or uncertainties in life?

  4. Jesus feeds the five thousand out of compassion (Matthew 14:13-21). How can you show compassion to those in need, trusting God to multiply your efforts and resources?

  5. After seeing Jesus calm the storm and heal many (Matthew 14:34-36), the disciples and others worship Him. How have you experienced Jesus’ power in your life, and how does it shape your faith and worship?

Share your thoughts below…


Pastor Jesse’s Weekly Reflection

