God Expects You To Be Perfect!

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Life Hacks: Part 4

By Rick Carrol

In almost every area of our lives, perfection is unattainable. In school 90% is a great mark. Perfect is not realistic. When you are working on a project, there is almost always a little thing you could have done better. GETMO is the concept of just finish things until they are “Good Enough To Move On”.

But Jesus taught his followers that, “you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Mat 5:48)

How is that even possible? It’s because we have the wrong concept of what he means by “perfect”, Perfect to God means, without sin. Sin is all the wrong thoughts, feelings and actions that we have.

Yet through one simple act on our part, confessing that we need forgiveness that can received through faith in Jesus, makes us sinless. Perfect!

In the context of saying “be perfect”, Jesus is reminding us that there is nothing that we can do to achieve perfection, we simply “receive perfection”.

So maybe being perfect isn’t so hard after all.


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