Google vs GOD

By Rick Carrol

There is one habit that sets apart Christians who feel fulfilled in their faith lives, and those who feel empty.

It’s not church attendance. Many go to church but are left unsatisfied

It’s not prayer. Thousands of people without faith pray when they feel desperate.

The number one activity that makes the difference in a satisfying faith life is reading the Bible. The Bible remains the top downloaded app in the world and a best seller in hard copy books.  Even as much as the world advances and creates new ways of learning and new streams of knowledge, it’s the 6000 year-old wisdom that keeps us centred. Jesus teaching is actually some of the most counter-cultural, backwards is forward, kind of wisdom that exists. It’s the kind of thing you will read your whole life and still be challenged to study it more.

If you’re dissatisfied with how life in the world looks or feels right now, step 1 for you is probably related to going deeper in your Bible study. 

Sign up for the PORTICO App to review a daily verse of the day, along with a devotional thought. It could be the most impactful choice you make this year!


Money is a Matter of the Heart


Dear God...