PORTICO Community Church

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#1 in Jerusalem, #1 in Babylon

By Amitabh Singh

The world on the surface will scorn or ridicule you when you take a stand. The person who has the courage to be different will still be honoured and respected in the long run. You don't lose by taking a stand for the truth. One day we all have to stand in the presence of God and all of us have to give an account of ourselves. No system, no excuse, no inner motive will then stand the test of time.

It will be your character, honesty, and the stand that you take that will make eternal difference. We read in the Old Testament on how Daniel influenced those around him. When he said "No," others around him felt encouraged to say the same. His determination not to defile himself gave strength to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

The story goes like this. One day a proclamation was given that everyone had to bow down to the King's image. Three men gave a magnificent answer. Daniel was not there, but his influence was very much alive. The three men believed that they would rather die on God's side than to face His wrath.

We are part of a larger story. There is an adversary that rivals God and there is no neutral ground. What do we say today? Lord, you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. You give me this and I will give you my 10%. Now God, you see this is the system and everyone is doing it and so you take care of the evil. When there is no evil - and only we are left, then I will do good.

That was not the way these men launched out in faith. They believed in God and so they stood in the midst of the fiery furnace. The story goes on to tell us that when the officer of the King came to see, he saw three men in the middle of the blazing furnace and a fourth figure like the Son of God Himself.

Going back to Daniel, he was true to God and he was true to his brothers. His decision helped and encouraged others. God was #1 in Daniel's life. God was #1 in Jerusalem. God was #1 in Babylon..

God is #1 at church. God is #1 at home. God is #1 at school, university or work. Is He?

That's the secret. It's not the place which makes us decide on our stand. Our relationship with God is not based on our circumstances and surroundings. A general and loose desire to be true and courageous an Christ like will not help much. It has to be a road to spiritual excellence - it requires discipline and tenacity of purpose. Men and women who succeed in life are not the ones who timidly wish. The ones who succeed are the ones who will to walk the right road.