PORTICO Community Church

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How to Pray

By Rick Carrol

One of the most powerful ways you can teach yourself to pray is to rewrite the Lord’s prayer in words and examples that make sense for your world today.

Pray this prayer along with me, and then I encourage you to write it out for yourself:

Father God in heaven, I give you honour because you and you alone are Holy.

When I look around this world, it reminds me that I need to be focused on you and your kingdom instead of me and my kingdom. Help me to focus on hearing your voice and following in your will, the same way that things operate in heaven.

Lord there are so many people who are hungry in our world. From those starving from famine, to those who rely on what they can get from a local food bank. Would you continue to provide for my family and all who need help around our communities.

God you are so merciful to forgive sin. Thank you for loving me regardless of whether I’ve deserved it or not. Help me to love people the same way, not making them earn love.

In this broken world, let my eyes stay fixed on you, never trading the perfection I have in you for something broken of this world.
