My Own Truth

Truth, by definition, cannot be relative. I cannot have truth that conflicts with truth that someone else claims to have. We can have opposing opinions or perspectives, but not truth.

Truth is a reality that governs life and spans generations.

What has become so confusing in our generation is that we have allowed each of us as individuals to create our own truth, and it has resulted in deep conflict because inevitably my truth may offend your truth which may offend someone else’s truth.

During the trial before Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus and the ruler that convicted Him to die wrestled with the question, “What is truth?”

And yet, during His years of ministry, Jesus had already answered that question.

In John 14:6 we read that Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” And in John 8:32 we also read, “…and the truth will set you free.”

The freedom that is offered to us in God’s Word, is freedom from trying to re-write our own truth. We are allowed to have our own perspectives and opinions, based on our individual experiences. Ultimately though, true understanding of that freedom occurs when we let those viewpoints be formed by the truth that is only found in Jesus.


How To Hear God’s Voice


Living Well