Have you heard of the saying, “fake it till you make it?”

The idea is that if you act a certain way, it will help you to be more confident by projecting a self-image you have created, regardless of how you're feeling on the inside.

Matthew Chapters 5 to 7 teaches us the opposite, as it unpacks Jesus’ teachings and shows us how to live in the kingdom of God.

Instead of trying to fake it till we make it, Jesus challenges us to go beyond our behaviour and address what's in our hearts. He urges us to not just focus on what we've heard or always have been taught but to listen to the voice of God. The way Jesus wants us to live is to reconcile with others, live humbly and love our enemies.

Jesus shifts the focus from rule-following to the transformation of our hearts, teaching us to be peacemakers; to be pure in heart; and to seek God's righteousness above all.

He concludes His message with a call to action in Matthew 7:24, saying, “Anyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who has built his house on the rock.:

It's not enough to just hear these words! We are to live out these teachings, allowing God’s Word to shape our character and actions.

In what areas of your life do you tend to ‘fake it till you make it?’ How might Jesus be inviting you to a deeper transformation instead?

Comment below and share your thoughts…

