Confusion Reigns


Confusion Reigns!

By Doug Rhind

The absence of clarity inevitably results in confusion! I pondered these words while patiently negotiating the 4-way flashing red-lights at a double-lane, all-direction intersection, during a power outage. Navigating flashing red lights is challenge on its own, but throw into the mix the need to determine who has the right-of-way for all eight lanes of traffic and you have instant confusion. Drivers tentatively edging forward, uncertain of ‘their turn’ in this random circus; horns blasting at impatient errant drivers; and numerous hand gestures which, I can assure you, were not friendly waves. Ah, the sight and sounds of serenity. I may have overstated my own state of mind as patience ebbed from my body in the midst of this unruly chaos.

 If the absence of clarity results in confusion, then one might assume that unity prevails where there is clarity and direction. You might expect this to be true, but whenever humanity gathers, and you throw in a dose of fallen human nature, even clarity can be victimized by confusion.

 Take, for instance, the story of Babel as recorded in the book of Genesis. In chapter 11, the post-flood era of history, God had rescued humanity and graciously blessed them with a simple directive, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth.” (Gen 9:1b) Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase, The Message, states it rather poignantly, “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill the Earth!” No arguing the clarity in this message. Yet Babel becomes synonymous with confusion and unity splinters into diversity and separation. Babel serves as a reminder that choosing to neglect God’s counsel will ultimately result in confusion! “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” (Proverbs 19:21)


Blind Faith


God's Biggest Regret