PORTICO Community Church

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Faith is Risk

By Rick Carrol

How comfortable are you with risk? Does the idea of taking a new job, moving cities, starting a new relationship excite or, terrify you, or is it a little bit of both? Loss aversion is a concept that says we’re more afraid of losing what we have than we are at gaining something new. It prevents many of us from moving forward into something that will really help us, even if we recognize that where we are is not perfect, at least it’s comfortable.

Faith in Christ requires the ability to fight the instinct of loss aversion. 1 Peter 1: 3-8 says that the early Church believers were to be commended because they loved and trust God without ever seeing Him. Trusting God without full comprehension of how He is working, or what He thinks is a massive risk. But it’s also a risk we have to be comfortable with if we seek to live lives of faith.