God Makes Promises, Not Contracts

By Rick Carrol

Many people struggle to believe in the Bible because it seems to have some inconsistencies or contradictions. Part of the challenge is that we’re looking at God’s Word as a contract, instead of as a promise. We want to read a line of the Bible, and then make sure that what it says is upheld every time and always. That’s how contracts work.

But God works in promises, not contracts.

His very first promise was to Adam and Eve, that their seed would crush the head of the snake (Genesis 3:15). God was not referring to their immediate family, Cain or Abel, with this promise. God was promising redemption for Adam and Eve’s disobedience – that He would send His Son, Jesus to fulfil that promise, centuries later.

God also promised Abraham that he would be a father of countless offspring that would be a light to the whole world (Genesis 15:5), but in Abraham’s lifetime he only had two children. God was still talking about Jesus in this promise to Abraham.

The promise God made to Adam and Eve and to Abraham, and to you and I is about life in Jesus.

When you read God’s promises in the Bible, try to remember that even though you haven’t seen it fulfilled yet, God’s promise of Christ’s return, and eternal life together with Him is yet to come. It’s not a contract – it’s a promise!


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