Why Are You So Angry?

By Rick Carrol

When is the last time someone argued with you, and it changed your mind?

It’s crazy how much arguing, and negativity there is in the comments of videos and posts, with people thinking that anger or negativity actually changes people’s minds.

Most times, the angrier you get at me, the less likely I am to hear your point of view.

  • Argue with me, and I’ll get defensive.

  • Attack me, and I’ll shut down.

However, if you reason with me, I’ll listen to your point of view.

Paul teaches us in Galatians that the spiritual product of a life that has been set free in Jesus, will demonstrate these qualities:

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22 (NLT)

We have the best news in the world to share – that God loves people, and wants to have a relationship with them!

As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been tasked with the ministry of reconciliation – letting people know this Good News.

Be reminded that the love we share needs to be shared in loving ways, evidenced by the fruit and character of the Spirit of God.


Happy Family Day!


God Makes Promises, Not Contracts