PORTICO Community Church

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How To Hear God’s Voice

In a world filled with noise and distractions, many long to hear the gentle whispers of God's voice. The ability to discern and trust His guidance can be a transformative experience, strengthening our faith and leading us to His divine purpose. Drawing inspiration from the biblical story of Deborah and Barak in Judges chapters 4 and 5, we can uncover valuable insights on how to hear God's voice.

Cultivate a Listening Heart:

  • In order to hear God's voice, we must create a space of silence and solitude where we can tune out the chaos around us.

  • Just as Deborah sat under the palm tree, we need to find our own quiet place to seek His presence (Judges 4:5).

  • In stillness, we open ourselves to receive His guidance, allowing His voice to penetrate our hearts.

Seek Wisdom in His Word:

  • God speaks to us through His written Word.

  • Regularly immersing ourselves in Scripture allows us to understand His character and principles.

  • As we align our thoughts and actions with His teachings, we become more attuned to His voice.

Discern the Holy Spirit’s Promptings:

  • Developing sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s gentle nudges helps us discern God's voice amidst the clamor of the world.

  • Deborah's advice to Barak to lead the Israelite army into a great victory exemplifies the Holy Spirit's guidance (Judges 4:8-9).

Step Out In Obedience:

  • At times, God’s plans may seem unconventional or challenging, but we must remember that His ways are better than ours.

  • Just as Deborah and Barak took a leap of faith, we too must be willing to follow God’s instructions, even when they appear daunting or contrary to our understanding.

  • Through our obedience, we witness God's faithfulness, reinforcing our trust in His voice.

The story of Deborah and Barak serves as a powerful reminder that God's voice, when heard and trusted, leads to triumph and a fulfilling journey of faith. As we embark on this journey, may we always seek His voice and grow in unwavering trust, knowing that He guides us towards His perfect plan for our lives.