PORTICO Community Church

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Information Is Not Transformation

By Rick Carrol

You can know a whole lot about something, without it ever really changing your ability to do it.

I watch a lot of medical TV shows, but no one wants me anywhere near their surgery table.

It’s why driver’s tests are not just written tests, and why everyone’s a critic of politicians.

Knowing about something is so much different than actually being responsible for it.

Information is not transformation.

The same is true when it comes to your relationship with the Holy Spirit. You can read about the promise of the Holy Spirit, you can memorize a whole bunch of scripture verses about His power and ability to lead us and impact our lives. However if you limit your experience with the Holy Spirit to what you know, and you never have the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit, you’re missing the most important part.

Don’t let information be enough when it comes to your relationship with God.

Seek for the transformative experience of Holy Spirit baptism today.

Mat 3:11

“But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”