Pastor Hana’s Weekly Reflection
Whenever I have those days, I feel like it's easy to react with anger. As disciples of Jesus, we’re called to something higher.
In Matthew 10:16, Jesus tells His disciples, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
He’s saying that following Him isn’t always easy—people may misunderstand us, challenge us, or even oppose us. But instead of reacting out of anger or pride, we’re called to respond with wisdom, patience, and love. And that's a tough thing to do. But Jesus teaches that the love of a disciple is deeper—it’s not about proving we’re right but showing God’s heart.
The goal? Growth. The aim of a disciple is to become more like Jesus—not perfect overnight, but every day choosing self-control, wisdom, and love. So next time you’re tempted to react in frustration, pause and think about how Jesus would want you to respond.
What’s one situation where you reacted quickly but wish you had responded differently? What could you do next time?
How can you practice responding with wisdom and love, even when it’s hard?
Comment below and share your thoughts…