Point One: Prepare yourself to hear God’s voice.
Point Two: Discipline yourself to discern God’s voice.
Point Three: Submit yourself to the leading of God’s voice.
Discussion Questions:
Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.
What was something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message? Share what you learned and how it will impact your life.
Read 1 Samuel 3:1-21. When you spend time with God, do you find yourself talking or listening more? What is the reason for that?
What aspects of our daily lives make listening to God's guidance difficult?
How did Samuel’s surroundings help him hear from God? If you resolved to fully dedicate yourself to hearing from God daily, what distractions would you need to reduce or remove?
Who has played the role of an Eli in your life—someone who has guided you and helped you understand God's voice more clearly
Like Eli did for Samuel, are you dedicating your time and energy to support someone in their journey? What reasons hold you back if you're not taking action this way? What obstacles or fears might be preventing you from stepping into that role?
In what way does Samuel’s reaction to the voice of God reflect his submission to God’s will? Is that similar to how you usually respond to the voice of God? Considering your behaviour, what does your usual response to God’s voice resemble?
What actions will you take today to create a peaceful and receptive environment that allows you to listen to God's voice? How can you incorporate practices like journaling or reading scripture to deepen your awareness and openness to divine guidance?
What is your next action of letting go today? Are there any habits you need to begin? Is there something from your life that needs to be eliminated?