Online Message
Point One: Missions is not optional - it’s an opportunity.
Point Two: Missions is not convenient – it is costly.
Point Three: Missions is not someday – it is today.
Discussion Questions:
Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.
What was something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message? Share what you learned and how it will impact your life.
Read John 4:1-26. What can we learn from the Samaritan woman at the well?
What are some of the ways you introduce the message of Jesus to your friends or loved ones? Have you been able to see any positive results?
What holds you back from sharing the Good News of Jesus with others? What are your fears? How do you overcome them?
Jesus made a culturally bold move by speaking to the Samaritan woman. What groups of people do you feel uncomfortable being around? Why?
How can prejudice affect a Christian’s witness? What are some prejudices you need to ask God to help you overcome?
Read John 4:26. After her conversation with Jesus, how did the Samaritan woman's life change? What did she do?
Read John 4:31-38. What is the meaning of the harvest when Jesus speaks of it? When will it occur according to these verses - past, present, or future?
What is the role of the disciples according to Jesus? Why is this role important? Why did Jesus need to remind them of this role?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:18. According to this verse, what do we have as a result of being reconciled to God? Do you understand the role you have been invited to play in the mission of God to reconcile sinful man to a holy God?
Think of three people in your life who are not familiar with Jesus. Ask God to provide you with opportunities and confidence to share your beliefs with them in the coming days. Write down their names and commit to praying for them daily.