Paid In Full

Paid in Full

By Rick Carrol

What would you do if you had no debt? Would you go on vacation or travel the world? Would you buy a new home or a vacation house? Would you invest in something for the future? Or perhaps you’d treat yourself or others to an expensive gift? Or would you donate to your favourite charity?

Many of us have no hope of actually paying off all of our financial debt. There are just too many ongoing expenses, and the cost of living is constantly increasing. But there’s no harm in wishful thinking, or in changing our spending habits to try and pay down loans, credit cards, or other financial obligations.

Thankfully, when it comes to our spiritual well-being and salvation, someone else has already paid the price for our sins. There’s nothing we can do to pay down the debt we owe God for saving us from our sinful natures. God simply asks us to accept His Son, Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour.

Imagine someone standing before a judge and willingly accepting the punishment for your past crimes, even though he was blameless. That’s exactly what Jesus did for each one of us. He paid our debt in full, even though none of us deserve to be debt-free.

What are you doing with your freedom in Christ? Are you seizing the opportunity to CONNECT with Christ and His followers, or GROW in Christ-likeness, or SERVE Christ’s mission in the world?

When we accept the gift of Jesus, we are truly free. So rather than sinking back into debt, and continuing to satisfy your sinful desires, make a daily commitment to live in a way that is pleasing to God.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 (NLT)


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