Point one: Be known for your generosity.

Point two: Be known in your community.

Point three: Be known for your faith.

Discussion Questions:

Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.

  1. What was something that stood out to you from this past Sunday’s message? Share what you learned and how it will impact your life.

  2. When you think of generosity, what comes to mind beyond financial giving? How could simple acts of kindness or service impact others?

  3. Acts 9:36 describes Tabitha as someone known for doing kind things and helping the poor. What are some ways you think people today can be known for their generosity?

  4. 2 Corinthians 9:13 highlights that generosity points others to God. How does your generosity—or lack of it—affect the way people see your faith?

  5. Acts 9:37-39 shows the community grieving for Tabitha and remembering her impact. What would you like to be known for in your own community?

  6. Why do you think it’s important for believers to be connected in their local community? How can your faith help you make a positive impact?

  7. In Acts 9:40-42, Peter’s faith in God’s power led to Tabitha’s healing, and many believed because of it. How does your faith shape how you approach challenges or hardships?

  8. Reflect on a time when someone’s faith inspired you. What did they do that made you think, “I want to have faith like that”?

  9. As you reflect on Tabitha’s story, is there an opportunity in your community or among your friends where you feel called to step up in generosity or faith?