Discussion Questions:
Watch the past message, then choose questions to discuss with your Growth Group.
What's the most generous thing somebody's done for you?
Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. The Macedonian churches show how Christians should be generous. Using verses 1-5, list how Paul describes the circumstances of the Macedonian churches at that time. What from your list was the most important factor for their generosity?
What motivated the radical generosity of the Macedonian churches that we observe in this passage?
In verses 6-7, why is it essential to emphasize the significance of developing as a comprehensive disciple and not disregarding any aspect?
Just like Jesus relinquished his divine rights to serve, we are summoned to give sacrificially. How does a proper understanding of the gospel increase our love for God and people while decreasing our love for self and possessions?
Our goal in our generosity is not to simply meet a need, but to glorify God. Why is it important for you, as an individual Christian, and for the church as a whole, to be generous as a way of bringing glory to God?
Think about how you and your family practice being generous. What usually drives your giving? Is it guilt, duty, expectations of God's blessing, responses to circumstances, thankfulness, or love?
Tim Keller, a writer, has stated that people who commit adultery are aware of their actions, while those who love money excessively may not realize it. How can our Growth Group support each other in living a generous life and holding each other accountable?
Is there an obstacle that’s keeping me from living a joyfully generous life? What’s a tangible step I can take toward being generous?